Friday, December 08, 2006

Still Waiting...

So it is now Day 3 in my quest to recieve my missing ebay purchase. FedEx has been absolutely no help, I have yet to have someone from there call me, but I've called them plenty of times. I finally got someone worth talking to a few minutes ago. She sincerely apologized for the lack of help and response I had recieved, and gave me some instructions. I already followed them, by emailing the seller of the stereo on ebay. Hopefully they will make a claim with FedEx, and I can either get another stereo shipped, or get my money back. If I do get another one shipped, I'm certainly not having it shipped here. It will go somewhere else besides Cleveland Ave. Anyway, I need to get cleaned up and study some more before my final today. Goodbye.



Blogger SaintRAV said...

I make it habit to have everything shipped to my parents house. Apartments and other places with shared hallways are never a good place to have things left.

12:42 PM  

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