Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Here, kitty kitty kitty...

Wow. I never knew I could want a cat soooo much. Today Kerri and I went to the SPCA just for fun to look at the animals and play with them if we felt like it. I fell in love with the sweetest, cutest little furry kitten there. Kerri named him George, despite my protests, and now I can't get him out of my head. He can't be adopted before Jan. 2 because he was a stray. But even then, I can't get him. I'm not home enough to have a cat, and that's not fair to the cat. They need someone that can give them lots of attention and love, but I wouldn't be home enough to do that. So maybe I'll just get a hamster...they're cute and fuzzy too. Anyway, hope everyone had a great Christmas. My brother was healthy and home, so that was good to have him there. I got a nice alarm dock for my iPod, a fun new computer game, and a brand spanking new Apple MacBook Pro that I am currently typing this on. So I'm pretty happy. I also got 2 extremely soft, warm blankets from Kerri and her mom. So I'm very warm at night now too. All good things. Anyway, I need to go get ready to go out to eat, Kerri and I are meeting some friends of ours at Hibachi for dinner, then going to see A Night At The Museum. It's nice to have a night off from having Alex (he's celebrating Christmas with his dad's family), but I do miss him already...and I can't wait to build his Legos race cars with him tomorrow...that'll be fun. Oh well, until next time.


Friday, December 22, 2006

Back To Normal

Soo.....apparently the doctor who told my brother he had multiple blood clots in his lungs is a moron. I say this because two other doctors reviewed the same test results he did, and they both concluded that there never were any clots, and that my brother was ok and free to go. The pain in his chest is still somewhat a mystery, but they said they believed it to be something having to do with his bones and muscles, because it disappeared when he exercised. So I drove home from DC yesterday afternoon, having driven down there on Tuesday morning. Thank you to all who prayed, it was a great comfort knowing that so many people were praying for us. It was such a relief to hear the doctor say my brother was fine and that he was free to go. Anyway, I'm exhausted now, and it's early in the I'm gonna go sleep. Goodnight.


Monday, December 18, 2006

Please Pray

I woke up today to some upsetting news. My older brother Corey was taken to the hospital with chest pain, and has discovered he has several clots in his lungs. He called my parents this morning to tell them, and my dad is on his way down to D.C. to be there. But please pray for my brother, even though my parents say he sounded fine on the phone, this could be serious. He's having some tests done today to find out how they got there and if they're moving and whatnot. But please keep him and my family in prayer. This is a scary situation for us.


Friday, December 08, 2006

Still Waiting...

So it is now Day 3 in my quest to recieve my missing ebay purchase. FedEx has been absolutely no help, I have yet to have someone from there call me, but I've called them plenty of times. I finally got someone worth talking to a few minutes ago. She sincerely apologized for the lack of help and response I had recieved, and gave me some instructions. I already followed them, by emailing the seller of the stereo on ebay. Hopefully they will make a claim with FedEx, and I can either get another stereo shipped, or get my money back. If I do get another one shipped, I'm certainly not having it shipped here. It will go somewhere else besides Cleveland Ave. Anyway, I need to get cleaned up and study some more before my final today. Goodbye.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006


So here I am, 12:10 in the afternoon on Tuesday, December 5. I've been anxiously checking for tracking on my new stereo to go into my car, and I found out it was to be delivered today. So I rushed home after my morning exam to see if it had arrived. 10:27 I arrived home. No package. But when I checked online, the tracking page stated that it had been left at the front door merely 8 minutes before, at 10:19. I was mystified. I checked the table in our hallway to see if one of my housemates had left it there. Nothing. I checked with my housemates. Nothing. No package. It is nowhere to be found. So now I'm waiting for FedEx to call me back with news, hopefully that there was just a mix up and it will be here soon. But my gut feeling is that someone took it. 8 minutes it was sitting on my doorstep. And now someone out there has a brand new, very nice stereo to put in their car. Sigh...and I'm financially poorer after that. And very, very, very frustrated and upset. I want it to turn up...


Monday, December 04, 2006


Something I've struggled with lately. Being satisfied. God has blessed me so much in my life, and yet I find myself not being content with the things I have. I want a better place to live, I want a better car, a bigger TV, a bigger bed (a single bed just doesn't cut it for me). Why am I so discontented with what I have? I think God is teaching me a very important lesson for later in life. I know I'm not going to be filthy rich, and I don't want to be. But it scares me that this is something I need to learn. Does that mean I'm going to struggle financially later in life? So I need to learn to be content with what I have now? I just don't know...I might even be just overanalyzing this now. I'm not sure. But I need to learn to be content with what I have. God has blessed me and I need to realize just how much I actually have, and not take it for granted. And besides, it's all just worldly things. There are much more important things out there then possessions.

Do not build up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where theives break in and steal...

I need to remember that.
